Sunday 18 December 2016


Type of GSM services(P8U3)
GSM offers much more than just voice telephony. Contact your local GSM network operator to the specific services that you can avail.
GSM offers three basic types of services:
  • Telephony services or teleservices
  • Data services or bearer services
  • Supplementary services
The abilities of a Bearer Service are used by a Teleservice to transport data. These services are further transited in the following ways:
Voice Calls-
The most basic Teleservice supported by GSM is telephony. This includes full-rate speech at 13 kbps and emergency calls, where the nearest emergency-service provider is notified by dialing three digits.
Videotext and Facsmile-
Another group of teleservices includes Videotext access, Teletex transmission, Facsimile alternate speech and facsimile Group 3, Automatic facsimile Group, 3 etc.
Short Text Messages-
Short Messaging Service (SMS) service is a text messaging service that allows sending and receiving text messages on your GSM mobile phone. In addition to simple text messages, other text data including news, sports, financial, language, and location-based data can also be transmitted.
Bearer Services-
Data services or Bearer Services are used through a GSM phone. to receive and send data is the essential building block leading to widespread mobile Internet access and mobile data transfer. GSM currently has a data transfer rate of 9.6k. New developments that will push up data transfer rates for GSM users are HSCSD (high speed circuit switched data) and GPRS (general packet radio service) are now available.
Supplementary Services-
Supplementary services are additional services that are provided in addition to teleservices and bearer services. These services include caller identification, call forwarding, call waiting, multi-party conversations, and barring of outgoing (international) calls, among others. A brief description of supplementary services is given here:
  • Conferencing : It allows a mobile subscriber to establish a multiparty conversation, i.e., a simultaneous conversation between three or more subscribers to setup a conference call. This service is only applicable to normal telephony.
  • Call Waiting : This service notifies a mobile subscriber of an incoming call during a conversation. The subscriber can answer, reject, or ignore the incoming call.
  • Call Hold : This service allows a subscriber to put an incoming call on hold and resume after a while. The call hold service is applicable to normal telephony.
  • Call Forwarding : Call Forwarding is used to divert calls from the original recipient to another number. It is normally set up by the subscriber himself. It can be used by the subscriber to divert calls from the Mobile Station when the subscriber is not available, and so to ensure that calls are not lost.
  • Call Barring : Call Barring is useful to restrict certain types of outgoing calls such as ISD or stop incoming calls from undesired numbers. Call barring is a flexible service that enables the subscriber to conditionally bar calls.
  • Number Identification : There are following supplementary services related to number identification:
    • Calling Line Identification Presentation : This service displays the telephone number of the calling party on your screen.
    • Calling Line Identification Restriction : A person not wishing their number to be presented to others subscribes to this service.
    • Connected Line Identification Presentation : This service is provided to give the calling party the telephone number of the person to whom they are connected. This service is useful in situations such as forwarding's where the number connected is not the number dialled.
    • Connected Line Identification Restriction : There are times when the person called does not wish to have their number presented and so they would subscribe to this person. Normally, this overrides the presentation service.
    • Malicious Call Identification : The malicious call identification service was provided to combat the spread of obscene or annoying calls. The victim should subscribe to this service, and then they could cause known malicious calls to be identified in the GSM network, using a simple command.
  • Advice of Charge (AoC) : This service was designed to give the subscriber an indication of the cost of the services as they are used. Furthermore, those service providers who wish to offer rental services to subscribers without their own SIM can also utilize this service in a slightly different form. AoC for data calls is provided on the basis of time measurements.
  • Closed User Groups (CUGs) : This service is meant for groups of subscribers who wish to call only each other and no one else.
  • Unstructured supplementary services data (USSD) : This allows operator-defined individual services.

GSM Operation
Once a Mobile Station initiates a call, a series of events takes place. Analyzing these events can give an insight into the operation of the GSM system.

Mobile Phone to Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN):
When a mobile subscriber makes a call to a PSTN telephone subscriber, the following sequence of events takes place:
  • The MSC/VLR receives the message of a call request.
  • The MSC/VLR checks if the mobile station is authorized to access the network. If so, the mobile station is activated. If the mobile station is not authorized, then the service will be denied.
  • MSC/VLR analyzes the number and initiates a call setup with the PSTN.
  • MSC/VLR asks the corresponding BSC to allocate a traffic channel (a radio channel and a time slot).
  • The BSC allocates the traffic channel and passes the information to the mobile station.
  • The called party answers the call and the conversation takes place.
  • The mobile station keeps on taking measurements of the radio channels in the present cell and the neighboring cells and passes the information to the BSC. The BSC decides if a handover is required. If so, a new traffic channel is allocated to the mobile station and the handover takes place. If handover is not required, the mobile station continues to transmit in the same frequency.
PSTN to Mobile Phone:
When a PSTN subscriber calls a mobile station, the following sequence of events takes place:
  • The Gateway MSC receives the call and queries the HLR for the information needed to route the call to the serving MSC/VLR.
  • The GMSC routes the call to the MSC/VLR.
  • The MSC checks the VLR for the location area of the MS.
  • The MSC contacts the MS via the BSC through a broadcast message, that is, through a paging request.
  • The MS responds to the page request.
  • The BSC allocates a traffic channel and sends a message to the MS to tune to the channel. The MS generates a ringing signal and, after the subscriber answers, the speech connection is established.
  • Handover, if required, takes place, as discussed in the earlier case.
To transmit the speech over the radio channel in the stipulated time, the MS codes it at the rate of 13 Kbps. The BSC transcodes the speech to 64 Kbps and sends it over a land link or a radio link to the MSC. The MSC then forwards the speech data to the PSTN. In the reverse direction, the speech is received at 64 Kbps at the BSC and the BSC transcodes it to 13 Kbps for radio transmission.
GSM supports 9.6 Kbps data that can be channelled in one TDMA timeslot. To supply higher data rates, many enhancements were done to the GSM standards (GSM Phase 2 and GSM Phase 2+).

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